All American Assisted Living at Wareham
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How Do You Provide Emotional Support to the Elderly?

Navigating the later stages of life often presents a unique set of challenges, and for many older adults, transitioning to an assisted living environment becomes a pivotal part of this journey.  As individuals move into assisted living communities, a sense of change and adjustment can stir a range of emotions. This is where the vital […]

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How to Take Care of a Person with Parkinson Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects the nervous system and specifically, how your body moves. It’s caused by a loss of cells in the brain that produce a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine helps transmit messages in the brain that control movement. So what does that mean for someone with Parkinson’s disease? It can cause […]

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What Is the Difference Between Assisted Living & Independent Living

Happy senior couple hugging while standing next to each other at window

Deciding to live in a senior living community is a beautiful way to start life’s next chapter. Communities are more prepared than ever to manage even the most complex health and safety demands of their residents, and All American Senior Living in Wareham features several lifestyle options suitable for various changing needs. While the most […]

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What Are the Activities of Daily Living?

As we age, daily tasks can become more strenuous, and when these daily activities become difficult to manage, additional support can help you live safely and comfortably. Assisted living can support older adults who are struggling with everyday activities. This lifestyle allows residents to live as independently as they like with the knowledge they have […]

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