All American Assisted Living at Wareham
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Is Respite Care Hospice?

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Caring for a loved one is an emotional and rewarding experience – yet it may feel overwhelming at times.

There may come a time when your loved one will require professional care and assistance. As families and caregivers, it’s important to recognize the different types of care environments.

Respite care is short-term care offered to individuals for a period while hospice provides comfort, emotional, and spiritual care for individuals who are nearing end-of-life.

What is Respite Care? 

Respite care is short-term, temporary care that can be provided in an assisted living community, where individuals have an immersive experience of community living. 

We recognize that not all older adults require a caregiver for full-time assistance. Some individuals have access to support when they require it, or there may be a particular circumstance where extra support may be temporarily necessary during a period of recovery.

Respite care is flexible. It can be arranged for a particular afternoon, or for several weeks. Respite care can be accessed in-home, or out-of-home within an assisted living community. It all depends on the unique needs of each senior and their  families.

When Can Families Access Respite Care?

There are several reasons why a family may choose to access respite care for their loved one. Some of the most common reasons families consider respite care includes: 

  • Extended Family Leave: If you need to take a prolonged break due to personal commitments, respite care can ensure your loved one is looked after.
  • During Home Renovations: Construction and renovations can be disruptive, especially for those needing continuous care. Temporary relocation to a respite care community can provide a suitable environment for your loved one.
  • Post-Injury or Surgery: After an injury or surgery, your loved one may require specialized care, which respite care communities are equipped to provide.
  • Avoiding Caregiver Burnout: Continuous caregiving can be stressful. Accessing respite care can help avoid burnout, making sure that both caregivers and their loved ones have their needs met.
  • Sampling Community Living: If you’re considering long-term residential care but aren’t ready to commit, respite care offers a temporary solution to explore community living options.

Our Approach to Respite Care

Residents in respite care have access to the same amenities and services as long-term residents. We focus on providing a safe, comfortable environment for individuals while they’re away from their usual routine. 

Our amenities and services provided for out-home-respite care include: 

  • Social Activities: Residents can participate in activities like physical activity classes and social gatherings to keep them engaged and active.
  • Personalized Wellness Plans: Every resident receives a unique wellness plan tailored to their individual needs and preferences.
  • Meal Services: Nutritious and delicious meals are prepared by our professional kitchen to make sure our residents’ dietary requirements are met.
  • Housekeeping: Regular housekeeping services keep living spaces clean and comfortable.
  • Trips and Outings: Organized trips and outings provide opportunities for residents to explore new places and experiences with friends and families.  
An older woman is smiling while holding hands with her caregiver.

What is Hospice Care? 

Hospice care is different from respite care.

Hospice care is a specialized approach to care for families and residents who are approaching end-of-life. The goal in hospice isn’t to cure a resident, but to offer quality of  life, focusing on the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the resident and their family.

Hospice care provides a comprehensive range of services to provide the utmost comfort for their residents, including: 

  • Medical Care: Hospice teams include doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals who manage symptoms and pain.
  • Emotional Support: Counselors, social workers, and chaplains offer emotional and spiritual support tailored to the patient and family’s needs.
  • Practical Help: Assistance with daily tasks and activities, making life easier for the patient.
  • Bereavement Support: Continues to support family members after the loved one has passed, helping them through the grieving process.

Key Differences Between Respite Care & Hospice

Both respite care and hospice care aim to provide comfort and support for residents and their families but they cater to different needs and circumstances.


  • Respite Care: Offers temporary assistance and support for residents, often due to caregiver absence or need for specialized care, and offers relief for caregivers.
  • Hospice Care: Focuses on palliative care for terminally ill patients, aiming to improve the quality of life in their remaining time. 


  • Respite Care: This can be as short as a few hours or extend to several weeks.
  • Hospice Care: Generally long-term, continuing until the end of life.


  • Respite Care: Emphasizes social activities, personal wellness plans, meals, housekeeping, and outings.
  • Hospice Care: Focuses on medical care, emotional support, practical help, and holistic approaches to care. 

Family Involvement

  • Respite Care: Offers short-term relief to caregivers although family can still be involved during a loved one’s stay.  It’s aimed at giving caregivers a break, although family can still be involved.
  • Hospice Care: Family involvement is integral, with support extending to bereavement care and counseling.

Schedule a Tour

Respite care and hospice care provide individuals with their own unique set of benefits, as they fulfill different care requirements. Respite care is a great way for individuals to experience community living, recover from illness or surgery, or for them to stay during a period of extended caregiver leave.

Connect with our team at Kaplan Development Group to schedule a tour and learn more about the experience of respite care and assisted living! 

Written by All American Assisted Living at Wareham

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