All American Assisted Living at Wareham
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Category: Health & Wellness

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30 Questions to Ask Elderly Loved Ones

Sitting down with your senior loved ones can open up a world of stories, wisdom, and cherished memories, some of which you may never have heard before. Asking thoughtful questions can strengthen your relationship, preserve family history, and, most importantly, show them that you value their experiences and perspectives.  Why Discussions with Seniors Matter  As […]

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How Sleep Impacts Cognitive Wellness for Seniors

Sleep is often thought of as the ultimate recharge button for the mind and body. For seniors, however, the relationship between sleep and overall health—especially cognitive wellness—is even more significant.  While it’s no surprise that poor sleep can make anyone feel foggy or irritable, consistently inadequate sleep can have long-term effects on memory, attention, and […]

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The Power of Hobbies in Supporting Healthy Aging

A healthy, active lifestyle—it’s something everyone should aspire to. It takes a mix of physical and mental effort to keep us healthy, regardless of age. And one way to work towards healthier aging is simple: through hobbies. Any hobby can be beneficial. Sports, gardening, painting, and even bird watching bring significant boosts to physical and […]

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How to Encourage Seniors to Stay Physically Active

Encouraging seniors to engage in regular exercise isn’t just about improving their physical condition—it’s about enhancing their cognitive function, emotional stability, and social engagement.  Starting with small, accessible activities, incorporating your loved one’s interests, and providing social opportunities are all ways to encourage physical activity for seniors. In this blog, we’ll delve into the myriad […]

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How to Help Seniors Improve Their Balance

As we age, maintaining balance can become a challenge. Good balance is crucial for older adults because it can contribute to strength and stability, preventing falls and injuries. Stability also helps maintain overall independence when performing daily tasks. Some ways to help seniors improve their balance include: Physical exercises and activities Home modifications to promote […]

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Can People with Dementia Live Alone?

Dementia is a collective term used to describe a wide range of mental health conditions characterized by changes in cognitive function, including memory loss, impaired thinking and problem-solving skills, difficulty with language and communication, and changes in mood and behavior. As the condition progresses, people with dementia may require more support and care to carry […]

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How Do You Provide Emotional Support to the Elderly?

Navigating the later stages of life often presents a unique set of challenges, and for many older adults, transitioning to an assisted living environment becomes a pivotal part of this journey.  As individuals move into assisted living communities, a sense of change and adjustment can stir a range of emotions. This is where the vital […]

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How to Take Care of a Person with Parkinson Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects the nervous system and specifically, how your body moves. It’s caused by a loss of cells in the brain that produce a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine helps transmit messages in the brain that control movement. So what does that mean for someone with Parkinson’s disease? It can cause […]

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